Thursday, February 28, 2013

Let's Get Started!

Let's Get Started!!!

So it's time to get the garden started! We will be getting seeds into soil on Saturday. Our goal is to get 20 flats of seeds planted for our garden, BASE Camp gardens and Plant Sale! What's involved in this you ask? Well be will be preparing the starter soil, making planting blocks and placing the seeds in each block.

Since the weather forecast is for sunny skies and temperatures around 60 we decided to go ahead and do this at the garden on Saturday from 10-2. We can use all the help that we can get some come on out on Saturday whenever you can from 10-2. We will have some hot chocolate and coffee to keep you warm if 60 is not warm enough for you. Remember many hands make light work!

Here's some pictures from last year's planting party! We had a great time filling up our propagation mats.

Hoop House Construction

Last Saturday with the help of Cale, Becca, Brian and Erich, we got the baseboards fro the hoop house completed. That is one more step in completing the construction. If we have enough folks on Saturday, we plan on installing the feather boards and the J channel on the sides. If this gets done, then the next step will be to get the cover on!

With the snow on the ground and temps in the 50's we expect the garden to be pretty muddy. If you are willing to help on the hoop house we would definitely recommend wearing clothing and boots that you don't mind getting muddy.

Garden Quote

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Goings on the Week of 2/18/13

Mid Winter Get Together

Thanks for everyone braving the snow to come out to the Mid Winter Get together.  We had a lot of fun with good food, good music and good people!  During the get together we finalized some dates, spoke of garden plans and ideas and some fund raising activities.

Here is a short synopsis of the meeting portion of the evening.
  • Seed starting will be Saturday March 2.  Time and location will be finalized shortly.  This is less that 2 weeks away so we will get you that information quickly.  If there is anything that you want to see in the garden, please contact me so we can acquire the seeds.
  • Our next Board of Directors meeting will be March 12th 7:00 pm at the garden office.  This is in the house located at the garden.  Entering from the front it is the door on the right.  All are invited and encouraged to attend.
  • We are looking to add to our herb collection.  This time it will be with medicinal herbs.
  • We need to finish the hoop house SOON!  With the nature of the build this will be on a day that weather cooperates.  If you are interested in short notice volunteering for this please contact me.  Again I will add you to a list to contact.
  • We will be starting regular Saturday volunteer hours starting this weekend from 11-1.  Keep in mind we will always have one eye on the weather and may cancel on short notice.  Watch your email or Facebook for announcements.  If you haven't heard anything assume we will be there.
  • We brain dumped some fund raising ideas.  Some are fun like having a small band once a month and a movie night.  Some were more practical like our annual plant sale and some were novel like a yard/garden sale.  If you have any ideas, please don't hesitate to bring them with you to the garden.

I think that was about all before the house band tuned up and played.

Garden Quote

really...we dig gardening!