Thursday, July 11, 2013

Growings on in the garden this week!

The water is rising!

Hello all!  Hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable 4th.  Just some random news from the garden.  Veggies are starting to be harvested.  Right now we have cauliflower, basil, and squashes that are ready.  Some come on out and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

We have a new irrigation pump!  And does it work!  This pump moves a bunch more water than the old one, which means that we are using our water more efficiently.  You can come out Friday evening from 5:15-7:45 and see for yourself.  I must say it is pretty impressive!

Mentioning Friday, we have irrigation water coming from 5:15-7:45.  Because of this, we have canceled our normal hours today as well as the pot luck.  We have moved the hours to coincide with the irrigation.  So recap, No hours today (Thursday) but irrigation, volunteer hours and pot luck on Friday from 5:15-7:45 with the pot luck starting about 7.

We have a long list of things we need to get done.  So please drop by if you can.  Remember, many hands make for light work..  Here is the list if interested.

A big thank you!

A big thank you goes out to Lauren and all the other employees of the New Belgium Tasting Room.  They have so generously donated their tips to Mulberry Community Gardens to help with improvements for the animals. The main project this money will be used for is to build a shelter for the goats.  There are plans to make the building of the shelter an event with Billy Goat Moving.  Please stay tuned for more information on this.

Next time you see Lauren (on left), please thank her for sponsoring our garden.


You are all invited!  As many of you know Candace and Chuck are moving to Louisiana at the end of the month.  Come send them off in style.   Saturday July 20th at 5-? in the garden.  No need to bring anything, except maybe your beverage of choice.  We will have food and some beverages.

(Chuck here, I will miss you all and would love to see you all one more time before we move.)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Garden times for the week of 7/1/13

Enjoying the Holiday
Thanks to some rain and some cooler temperatures the garden is going off like a bottle rocket!  It is amazing how much the plants grow in a week!  So come on out and be blown away by the progress of the garden.  We will be there this evening from 5-7 and Saturday from 5:15-7:45.  (This is a change but Saturday is irrigation day this week, back to our regular schedule next week)

No Pot Luck this week

The past couple of weeks have been a whole lot of fun with a bunch of friends sharing in the pot luck.  Since this Thursday in the 4th, we have decided to cancel this week's potluck.  See you all next week!

We need some help caring for animals

Lorraine, who normally cares for the animals, will be taking a much deserved vacation to see her daughter in California from July 11-17th.  During this time, we will need some help in caring for the chickens and goats.  This does not require much but feed and water both.  Takes about 15 minutes both morning and evening.  If interested, please get in contact with Lorraine, Becca or Chuck to show you want is needed to care for the animals.  Ideally we would like 2 volunteers each in the morning and evening.

Here is a signup sheet Just enter your name in the time slot and exit the tab it comes up in.  Your information will be saved automatically.

THANKS in advance for your help!

Garden Quote

If you are a gardener, you can always put 'Plant Manager' on your resume.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Growings on in the garden the week of 5/26/13

It's Time to Grow!
With the Memorial Day weekend come and gone, it is the official, unofficial start of summer!  We finally got the last of the raised beds in place and now we need to fill them up.

Take a look at the schedule to the left.  You will see, we will be in the garden on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week.  Please take some time out of your busy days and come on out and help us get our plants in the ground!

The Water is Coming!

Why did the chicken cross the ditch?  To avoid getting his feet wet!  The irrigation water is starting this week, Friday from 5:15-7:45 to be exact!  This is light work, but we do require some help to get everything watered.  One of the things I personally like about participating in watering is that I get to see every bed up close and personal.  I get to see the changes every week and what is growing in each bed.  I feel this is a way to really get in touch with the garden.

Remember the irrigation water comes every 6th day throughout the season.  So next week it will be on Thursday from 5:15-7:45.  The irrigation schedule has been posted on our calendar.  Check it out on our blog,

Thursday Potluck

Just a reminder this is going to be every Thursday from 7-9 for the foreseeable future.  Please bring a dish to share as well as your favorite beverage.  Also, please remember your own reusable plates, cups and utensils.

Garden Quote

A gardener learns more in the mistakes than in the successes - Barbara Dodge Borland

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Goings on in the garden the week of 5-19-13

Time to Sow!
Well folks it is officially time to get everything in the ground.  We will be working hard to get our beds filled this coming week.   We have added Tuesday from 5-7 to our regular hours.  This just give us more time together!  So hopefully we will see you all sometime in the coming week.  Tuesday 5-7, Thursday 5-7 or Saturday 9-1

A Big Thank You!

A big thank you to everyone who came out and helped this past weekend with the Garden sale.  We raised a bunch of money, we raised a bunch of awareness to our little patch dirt. we had some fun, we got some work done and then we ate, drank were merry!  This sounds like a perfectly spent Saturday to me!  So once more, thank you for everyone who made this past week a great success!

Here are a couple photos of the day.
Jilli and her halo of dandelions!

Javier with his toes to the fire!

Thursday Potluck

So it is official, we are having a potluck in the garden every Thursday, weather permitting, for the foreseeable future.

Everyone is welcome and invite anyone you want.  We will be meeting in the garden from 7-?.  So bring a dish to share and your favorite beverage.  As always, please bring your own reusable plates, cups, and utensils.
Our last potluck

The Water Is Coming!

The water is coming the water is coming!  We will be getting our share of irrigation water shortly.  For those of you who don't know, we have 1/20 of a share of irrigation water from the Pleasant Valley Ditch Company.  This is english means that every 6 days we get 2-2.5 hours of water coming through our ditch on the west side of the garden.  This is enough water for the beds, trees and to fill up our water storage.  Then 3 days later we empty the water storage to water the beds, then 3 days later we get water through the ditch, then 3 days later we empty the water storage to water the beds.  I think you get the point now.

Since this cycle is every 6 days, this means that we do not have a regular irrigation day.  It is moving every week.  So please see the irrigation schedule in our weekly email or check out the calendar on this blog,

This is really the lifeblood of our garden.  Without this we would not be able to have this garden.  In order to effectively irrigate the garden we need some help, so please try to come by during these days to help out.

Garden Quote

Sorry for the tardiness of the email.  I try to get these out on Tuesday so you can plan your week.  I'll get back to that next week.

"You can bury a lot of troubles by digging in the dirt" - unkown

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Goings on in the garden the week of 5/5/13

It's almost time!
Well May is finally here.  The average last frost in Ft Collins is May 15th.  This means that the garden is almost ready to have those wonderful starts placed in the beds!  There are plenty of projects to be done in order to have the beds ready.  Come on out Thursday (weather permitting) from 5-7 and Saturday from 9-1.  Can't wait to see everyone! 

Thursday Potluck Dinner

A potluck is planned for Thursday after volunteer hours, 7-?  This is weather permitting.  The forecast is not leaning on our side, but you know how that goes here in Ft Collins.

Please bring a dish to share and your favorite beverage.  As always, please bring your own reusable plates, cups and utensils.

Board Meeting Tuesday May 14

We will be having a board meeting on Tuesday May 14 at 7 in the garden.  This meeting is open to everyone and is a great way to participate in the planning of your garden.  All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Garden Sale

The garden sale is almost upon us, Saturday May 18th 8-1.  Think of a garden sale as a yard sale meets a plant sale.  We will be selling some of our lovely plant starts as well as some donated household items to raise funds for the garden.

How can you help you ask?  There are many ways you can help.  You can assist with the actual sale, you can donate any unwanted items, you can make some signs or hold a sign at the intersection.  Or you can come by and offer moral support.

This past weekend Reanna and Cale (Thank you both for your time!) sold some of our starts at the Starter Barter sale and came back with some additional plants as well as some cash.  The money they came back with was enough to cover the cost of seeds that we purchased, so everything else will go directly to other projects in the garden.  

Spring Get Together

After the garden sale, 5-?, we are having a spring get together.  This should be a good time!  Pot luck dinner with rumors of entertainment, bluegrass band, and a special Heinze spring home brew.

Come on out and enjoy the garden and everyone else. And let's get the garden started with a party!

The Bees Arrived!

Lahoma and Chuck went down to Denver and picked up 2 packages of bees.  Each package contains approximately 10,000 bees as well as a queen.  They have been introduced to their new home and we hope they found it suitable.

Lahoma was even interviewed on the local news.  you can see the interview here,

Here are the videos of the bees going into their new homes



Mulberry Garden Blog
Have you seen the blog, ?  A lot of folks have said how useful the calendar feature on the blog has been.  Check it out.

Are you interested in learning how to blog or contributing to this resource?  It's very easy trust me.  Chuck will have a clinic after volunteer hours on Saturday to teach anyone who is interested.  If you would like to participate, please email me so I can set up an account for you ahead of time, Chuck@MulberryCommunityGardens,org

Garden Quote
This was a long one.  Thanks for sticking in their with us.  Hopefully we will see you soon at one the upcoming events.

Let's have a garden party... Lettuce turnip the beet.

Thursday Potluck

Weather permitting there will be a Thursday Night Potluck tomorrow at the garden. Bring a dish to share and beverage to consume. If you can, please remember to bring utensils and a plate. 

We will do volunteer hours from 5-7 and potluck at 7. Hope to see you there! 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Goings on in the garden the week of 4/28/13

Old Man Winter Keeps Coming!
So we are under yet another winter storm warning with forecast up to a foot of snow.  The moisture is more than welcome but this puts a damper on our garden plans.  Because of the snow forecast we are canceling Thursday hours.  It just wouldn't be pleasant with all the mud.  So we will meet again on Saturday from 10-2 so we can get the heat of the day.

The bees are coming!

Chuck is picking up a package of bees on Saturday to place in our hive.  Come on by between 12 and 1 and see Lahoma and Chuck introduce the bees to their new home.  Lahoma is our resident bee expert.  she was a professional bee keeper and is full of knowledge.  Come on out and learn more about the great pollinator!

Here is a video of Lahoma releasing bees in her hive last year.

Home Grown Foods

This Saturday Home Grown Food is holding their annual Starter Barter from 11-2 at Avos.  This is a great event and is a good fundraiser for the garden.

We are going to be a bit shorthanded with some folks out of town and with Chuck going to pick up bees.  Is there anyone out there that would like to sell some of our starts at this event?  We really could use the help!  If interested, please contact Lorraine at

Garden Sale

On Saturday May 18th we are having our Garden Sale from 8-1.  Think yard sale in the garden plus plant starts.  If you have anything you want to donate to the yard sale portion of this sale, please drop these items by anytime before then.

We will need plenty of help with this event, if available please come on by to assist with what has come to be one of our most important fundraisers of the year.

Then at 5:00 we are having our spring get together!  This is a pot luck dinner so please bring a dish to share and as always please bring your own plates, cups, eating utensils and your favorite beverage.  Rumor has it there will be a bluegrass band playing and a special spring time Heinze home brew.  This should be an incredible event and lots of fun.

Garden Quote

Saturday, April 27, 2013

In the Garden on Saturday April 27th

What a beautiful day to be in the garden!  We got all the raised beds constructed.  The bee hive has been polyed and peas, onions and squashes were planted.  Thanks to everyone who came out!

1st bed being installed.  Lorraine forgot the champagne to christen it ;(

Friday, April 26, 2013

In the Garden on Thursday

Thanks to everyone who came out Thursday evening.  We got a lot accomplished.  Raised beds were made, starts were transplanted, bee hive got protected and then we shared a pot luck dinner.  Looking forward to seeing you all again on Saturday!

Mike and Nate moving a completed bed

Jilli, Reanna and Cale transplanting starts

Potluck getting started

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Goings on in the garden the week of 4/21/13

Winter keeps coming
So we are getting plenty of moisture!  This snow is a good type of moisture as well.  The slow thaw allows the moisture to go deep into the soil.  This should be good for the greens we have planted already!

We will be in the garden on Thursday (5-7) and Saturday (9-1) this week.  This will be a good time to get the broccoli and cabbages in the ground.  Fingers crossed we don't get any more snow, but rain is always welcome!

We will also be doing some other projects as well so come on out and enjoy the beautiful weather that is forecast!

Anyone for a Potluck?

Since is suppose to be in the 60's on Thursday, we are having a potluck after garden hours on Thursday (7-?). Hopefully this will become a more regular event as the weather gets better.

Please bring a dish to share and you beverage of choice.  As always, please bring your own reusable plates, cups and utensils.

CSUnity event

Thanks to everyone who participated in the CSUnity event this past Saturday.  This was a huge success.  With the help of some CSU students we got the lion's share of the raised beds completed, tomatoes transplanted, compost turned and chicken wire around the goat pen so Don doesn't get his horns stuck anymore.  Then we finished with a cookout for lunch!  Again, thanks to all the members and the students in making this a very productive day!

Some the CSU students building raised beds


Luke finishing up the chicken wire



Have you seen our blog?  If you haven't check it out at  A lot of the members have commented that the calendar is very useful.

Do you want to contribute to this resource?  It's very easy to do.  If you still don't believe me, I (Chuck) will be holding a how-to Saturday after garden hours.  If you are interested be at the garden around 1 and I will show you how to blog.

We are interested in anyone wanting to share anything with the group, recipes, garden tips and ideas, poetry, stories, whatever.

Weekly Tidbit

Instead of a quote I have a video this week entitled "I'm Farming and I Grow it" a parody on "I'm Sexy and I Know It"


Friday, April 19, 2013

Saturday April 20th CSUnity Event

A quick note
This is going to be short.  Tomorrow we will be hosting a CSUnity event at the garden from 10-2.  We will have 10 volunteers from CSU coming to help us out in the garden.  We were holding out on sending this email to see what the weather was going to do.  Rest assured the event is going on as planned so come on out and be an ambassador of the garden.  Our main project is to build some raised beds with the grant from Larimer county.  We will also be doing other projects so make sure to wear your boots, it will be muddy.

Oh did I mention food?  We will be serving lunch to these hungry malnourished students around 12.  Some come on out and enjoy the day with us.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Young Farmer Mixer at the Empire Grange

Hey everyone,
Just wanted to give you a heads up about an event hosted by the National Young Farmer Collation at the Grange tonight. There are more details listed on website. Hope to see you there!

What: Young Farmer Mixer – Potluck – Bluegrass Dance Party – FREE BEER!
When: April 13
Where: Empire Grange – 2306 W. Mulberry, Fort Collins, CO
Who: Any and ALL Young farmers, Young-at-Heart farmers, farm workers, farm interns, and farm apprentices from Colorado Springs to Cheyenne
Schedule of events:
7:00 pm  – 8:30 pm — Potluck
9:00 pm – 11:00 pm — Bluegrass Dance Party featuring Blue Grama

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Garden Times The Week of 4/7/13

Springtime in Colorado!
Got to love this time of year.  70 yesterday and snow on the ground today.  But don't fret warmer weather is right around the corner and the garden will be in full swing.  We will be in the garden Saturday from 9-1 doing "garden stuff"  Come on out and enjoy getting your hands dirty.

I know that warmer weather is coming because my sure fire spring alarm went off.  This means the garlic is coming up.  Below is a picture, may not be the best to illustrate this but trust me there is garlic coming up in that bed!

Hoop house is done!

We got the hoop house done on Saturday, just in time to add some of our plants to the nice warm air inside.

Board Meeting on Wednesday

For anyone and everyone who is interested, the garden board meeting is this Wednesday at 7:00 at the home of board member Julie Dunn.  Julie lives at 1707 Homer in Ft Collins.  This is an open meeting to anyone who would like to attend.  This is where decisions about the gardens future are made, all are encouraged to come and be a part of your garden's future.

Directions to Julie's:  East of Shields on Mulberry there is a stop light at the entrance of City Park at the lake.  If you go just to the west of this light Cook Drive comes off of Mulberry to the South.  Go to the end of Cook and Julies Driveway is right in front of you.  Park there on the street and walk up to the house.  The house is not visible from the street.  Here is a map to help you out

oogle Street view of the driveway

Garden Sale

Again, remember that we are having a Garden Sale on May 18th starting at 8.  We will be having a plant sale as well as garden sale (think yard sale).  If you have anything to donate to the sale, please drop these items off at the garden.  All proceeds from the sale will help in future projects in the garden.

After the sale we are having the spring member kickoff party.  This will be a pot luck starting at 5 and going to whenever.  So save the date these parties are always a lot of fun!

CSUnity Day

Also save the date for Saturday April 20th.  We will be hosting a CSUinty project at the garden.  We are expecting about 10 students to come help out in the garden that day from 10-2.  Please make plans to be there that day.  We really need to have some ambassadors of the garden there that day.

Fun Video of the day

This newsletter was a little longer than I expected it to be so instead of a quote I found a video that will hopefully lighten your day.  Hopefully one day soon this little lady will be saying this in our garden!


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Mulberry Community Gardens - Garden times week of 3/30/13

April Showers!
The old saying goes April showers brings May spinach!  These showers yesterday kept us out of the garden, but Thursday and Saturday look like beautiful garden days!  We will be in the garden on Thursday from 5-7 (see below for more info on this) and Saturday from 9-1.  We have a bunch of planting, prepping and other things to get done for the coming season.  Please come on out, we miss your smiling faces!

Thursday Potluck

Reanna is coordinating a Thursday evening potluck at the garden.  We haven't decided if this is going to be weekly or biweekly, but we do know that we are starting this week after member hours on Thursday.  It is forecast to be a beautiful day.  Please bring something to share and your beverage of choice.  As always please bring your own reusable plates, cups and silverware.

We will be meeting for volunteer hours from 5-7 and the potluck will start immediately after.  We do have access to refrigerators and ovens if you need to keep something warm or cold.

Hoop House Completion

We are a few steps of having the hoop house 100% complete.  Just in time for the starts to make their way to the garden.  I (Chuck) plan on completing these steps on Thursday from 5-7.  Please join me in getting this vital project completed.

Below is a picture from last week when we got the cover on!

CSUnity Event

We have been asked by CSU to hold a CSUnity event in the garden and we have gladly accepted.  On Saturday April 20th from 10-2 we will host some CSU students doing a community service project.  We ask that if you are available to please plan on coming to this event.  We can always use ambassadors to spread the word on our garden.

We have several projects planned and it depends on how many folks show up to help.  We really can use your help this day to get the garden ready for the upcoming growing season.

Blog Plug

If you haven't seen it please check out our new blog,  This is quickly becoming a major resource for information on the garden.  We especially like the calendar tab.  There you can see everything that is going on in the garden.

If you would like to help contribute to the blog (recipes, garden ideas, your thoughts, photos, whatever you can think of) please contact for information.

Don't be intimidated, if you think you don't have to skills I will teach you.  It is very easy and can even be done from a smart phone!

Garden Quote

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Goings on the Week of 3/17/13

Happy Spring Everyone!

Spring Officially starts at 5:02 am on Wednesday Morning.  We all know that we have been busy as little bees already so it already feels like spring!

Well the starts are going like gang busters so we need a place to put them.  We will be working on the hoop house Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week to get this accomplished!  We will be in the garden from 5-7 on these days.

We will also be in the garden on Saturday from 11-1.  We have some more prep work to do in order to get ready for the season.  So come on out any or all of these days.  Remember many hands make light work.

Seeds are in the ground

A big thank you to everyone who came out last Saturday!  We had a nice group of folks preparing beds, turning compost, planting greens and working on the hoop house.  It was nice to see everyone!

And yes, I did say planting greens.  We actually have seeds in beds!    I always look forward to the 1st green harvest of the season.

The Blog Reminder

Check out the new blog at
This is the place to keep up with all of the activities going on in the garden.  Make sure to check out the calendar page to see time and dates for events in the garden.

If you are interested in contributing to this resource, please contact  If you don't know how, don't worry I will personally teach you this simple form of communication.  It only takes a few minutes to learn.

Garden Sale and Party!

We have set a date for our Garden Sale.  The garden sale will be a combination of plant sale and yard sale and garden party.  You know how we like those!  We will have the Garden sale on Saturday May 18th from 8-1 then we will have a Spring Get Together from 5-?.

So, save the date and if you have any yard sale items, please bring them to the garden anytime.  We can store them in the garage.

Garden Quote

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring Time in Colorado

Spring Time in Colorado!

Don't you just love this time of year? Weather forecast for a foot of snow get next to nothing, weather forecast for nothing get 4 inches of snow then it will be close to 70!

With the latter part, the weather is suppose to be nice for the rest of the week and Saturday.  So we will be in the garden this Saturday from 11-1.  We have a bunch of things to do to get ready for the season.  So come on out and enjoy the sunshine on Saturday!  Bonus with this offer, you will get a healthy dose of vitamin D absolutely free!

With Daylight Savings in effect you are well aware that there is still plenty of daylight after 5.  Brian and Nate are trying to put together a weekday evening to meet at the garden to do some small task.  If you are interested, please contact with what day is good for you and I will forward it on to Brian.

Board Meeting this Evening

The Board of Directors are meeting this evening, 7 o'clock, in the office at the garden.  You are welcome and encouraged to attend.  This is a formal meeting where we decide on matters concerning the garden.  We really appreciate any input that you have on your garden!

BASEcamp visits

Four BASEcamp visits have been scheduled so far for this summer.  The dates are as follows:

June 20 1:30-3:30  2nd Grade
July 22 1:30-3:30 3rd Grade
August 5 1:30-3:30 4th Grade
August 8 1:30-3:30 2nd Grade

These are always fun times in the garden.  It's great to see those little hands so excited to get dirty!  I'll share one of Lorraine's favorite antidotes.  Lorraine was showing the kids the worms in the refrigerator, when it was here, and there was a little girl wearing t tutu bottom asking her questions about the worms.  The next thing she saw was the girl head deep into the worms and nothing but a tutu sticking out of the opening.

We can really use your help during these times.  If you can help in anyway, please contact

For those of you who are not familiar with BASEcamp and our connection with this group here is some info.  BASE stands for Before and After School Enrichment.  This program is a nonprofit organization that works with school kids from the 1st - 8th grades year around before and after school through the Poudre School District.  During the summer they have an all day program at one of the schools here in Ft Collins.  During the summer MCG installs 8 portable garden beds at the school and we visit them 2 times a week from May to August.  We work with the kids teaching them about gardening, environment, and nutrition.  Also the kids come to our garden to see how we grow on a little larger scale and with a bit more variety.  Typically their favorite part is the goats and chickens!

Again, if you can help in ANYWAY it would be greatly appreciated.

Installing beds at Kruse Elementary

The kids making soil blocks

MCG Blog

If you haven't heard we have a new blog.   This is a much easier way to keep you updated with what is going on in the garden.  You should check it out!  We feel the best part right now is the calendar of events so you can see what is going on quickly!

In order to make this a great resource for you, we are looking for folks who would like to contribute.  This could be simply by adding your photos from the garden,  adding your favorite recipe for veggies that are in season, it may be to share a story, or a how to.

Don't know how to blog?  That is the easy part.  I will personally teach you how to post to the blog. Once I get a couple "students" I will set up a teaching session at the garden.  So if you are interested in contributing to this resource, please contact me

Garden Quote

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Seeds are Started!

Plant Starting

Thanks to everyone who helped get the seeds in the soil last Saturday.  We got 19 trays of starts going and they are going!  

We started: Bee weed, 5 types of basil, cilantro, echinacea, lavender, oregano, parsley, rosemary, zenia, nasturtium, marigold, 2 types of broccoli, cabbage, cucumber, 8 types of peppers, okra, 6 types of squashes, and 11 types of tomatoes.

We also want to thank The Growing Project for their donation of seeds to our project!

The pictures below are within 5 days of planting seeds!  I swear it is the starter mix Lorraine mixes!

Hoop House

So now that the seeds are going, we got to get the hoop house completed.  We are probably 1 good day away from getting the cover on.  Ideally we would get this done on Saturday, but you can't fool Mother Nature.  The weather forecast is saying up to a foot of snow Friday into Saturday.  So let's be thankful for the moisture as we wait for another day to get this done.

We will not be meeting Saturday!

We Got Money!

We just received notification that a grant from the Larimer County Open Lands was approved!  We received money to get another water pump and raise about 1/3 of the beds to 16".  Can't wait to get the check and get started raising those beds.  We will need some help on this so watch your email for the date!


Just a reminder to visit our blog.  There is not much in content there yet but we expect it to be full of good information, recipes, pictures and garden ideas when we get really going in the season.  Check it our here  Remember, we feel the best part of the blog so far is the calendar of events.

If you are interested in contributing, please email  It would be great to get some different perspectives on and about the garden.

On a sad note

Today we had to say good by to Don our earless lamancha goat (the white one).  Don had been diagnosed with a fatal condition and we agreed that it was best that we humanely euthanize him.

Garden Quote

Who loves a garden loves a greenhouse too.
-William Cowper

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Let's Get Started!

Let's Get Started!!!

So it's time to get the garden started! We will be getting seeds into soil on Saturday. Our goal is to get 20 flats of seeds planted for our garden, BASE Camp gardens and Plant Sale! What's involved in this you ask? Well be will be preparing the starter soil, making planting blocks and placing the seeds in each block.

Since the weather forecast is for sunny skies and temperatures around 60 we decided to go ahead and do this at the garden on Saturday from 10-2. We can use all the help that we can get some come on out on Saturday whenever you can from 10-2. We will have some hot chocolate and coffee to keep you warm if 60 is not warm enough for you. Remember many hands make light work!

Here's some pictures from last year's planting party! We had a great time filling up our propagation mats.

Hoop House Construction

Last Saturday with the help of Cale, Becca, Brian and Erich, we got the baseboards fro the hoop house completed. That is one more step in completing the construction. If we have enough folks on Saturday, we plan on installing the feather boards and the J channel on the sides. If this gets done, then the next step will be to get the cover on!

With the snow on the ground and temps in the 50's we expect the garden to be pretty muddy. If you are willing to help on the hoop house we would definitely recommend wearing clothing and boots that you don't mind getting muddy.

Garden Quote

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Goings on the Week of 2/18/13

Mid Winter Get Together

Thanks for everyone braving the snow to come out to the Mid Winter Get together.  We had a lot of fun with good food, good music and good people!  During the get together we finalized some dates, spoke of garden plans and ideas and some fund raising activities.

Here is a short synopsis of the meeting portion of the evening.
  • Seed starting will be Saturday March 2.  Time and location will be finalized shortly.  This is less that 2 weeks away so we will get you that information quickly.  If there is anything that you want to see in the garden, please contact me so we can acquire the seeds.
  • Our next Board of Directors meeting will be March 12th 7:00 pm at the garden office.  This is in the house located at the garden.  Entering from the front it is the door on the right.  All are invited and encouraged to attend.
  • We are looking to add to our herb collection.  This time it will be with medicinal herbs.
  • We need to finish the hoop house SOON!  With the nature of the build this will be on a day that weather cooperates.  If you are interested in short notice volunteering for this please contact me.  Again I will add you to a list to contact.
  • We will be starting regular Saturday volunteer hours starting this weekend from 11-1.  Keep in mind we will always have one eye on the weather and may cancel on short notice.  Watch your email or Facebook for announcements.  If you haven't heard anything assume we will be there.
  • We brain dumped some fund raising ideas.  Some are fun like having a small band once a month and a movie night.  Some were more practical like our annual plant sale and some were novel like a yard/garden sale.  If you have any ideas, please don't hesitate to bring them with you to the garden.

I think that was about all before the house band tuned up and played.

Garden Quote

really...we dig gardening!