Thursday, July 11, 2013

Growings on in the garden this week!

The water is rising!

Hello all!  Hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable 4th.  Just some random news from the garden.  Veggies are starting to be harvested.  Right now we have cauliflower, basil, and squashes that are ready.  Some come on out and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

We have a new irrigation pump!  And does it work!  This pump moves a bunch more water than the old one, which means that we are using our water more efficiently.  You can come out Friday evening from 5:15-7:45 and see for yourself.  I must say it is pretty impressive!

Mentioning Friday, we have irrigation water coming from 5:15-7:45.  Because of this, we have canceled our normal hours today as well as the pot luck.  We have moved the hours to coincide with the irrigation.  So recap, No hours today (Thursday) but irrigation, volunteer hours and pot luck on Friday from 5:15-7:45 with the pot luck starting about 7.

We have a long list of things we need to get done.  So please drop by if you can.  Remember, many hands make for light work..  Here is the list if interested.

A big thank you!

A big thank you goes out to Lauren and all the other employees of the New Belgium Tasting Room.  They have so generously donated their tips to Mulberry Community Gardens to help with improvements for the animals. The main project this money will be used for is to build a shelter for the goats.  There are plans to make the building of the shelter an event with Billy Goat Moving.  Please stay tuned for more information on this.

Next time you see Lauren (on left), please thank her for sponsoring our garden.


You are all invited!  As many of you know Candace and Chuck are moving to Louisiana at the end of the month.  Come send them off in style.   Saturday July 20th at 5-? in the garden.  No need to bring anything, except maybe your beverage of choice.  We will have food and some beverages.

(Chuck here, I will miss you all and would love to see you all one more time before we move.)

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